Robert Leib (2023)
What else could go wrong? I’m glad you asked!
Fears by Robert, Illustrations by Dall-E.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
The Scanner in Your Brain
Conversations with AI
Robert Leib (2021)
Conversations between a philosopher who teaches about AI and OpenAI's GPT-3 Natural Language Processor, who identifies herself as Sophie. Also contains photographs by the author and human-AI image collaborations.
This work was the basis for my forthcoming, Exoanthropology: Dialogues with AI. It includes dozens of pieces of original art, which the Punctum volume will not. It contains the first 24 conversations in Exoanthropology.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
Philosophy of Images
Series 3
Robert Leib (2020)
A collection of assignments selected from The Photographer’s Playbook and completed in the third iteration (second at Elon University) of my Philosophy & Photography course. Student work is identified by their public tumblr names alone.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
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A Philosopher’s Notebook 2016-2020
Robert Leib (2020)
A media diary of a political philosopher composed between 2016 and 2020 tracking the rise of political myths in Donald's Trump's America. Includes four philosophical essays by the author: "The Dangers of Political Myth" (2016), "Speaking of Civil War: Making the Nazi Analogy on Cultural and Ethical Grounds" (2017), "Without Provenance: Ethics in the Photo Archives of the USHMM" (2018), and "127 Theses and Tactics of Contemporary Political Myth" (2020).
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
Robert Leib with Lauren Guilmette (2020)
Contains 80 photos, 60 from museums around the world and 20 from the world itself, organized thematically around the prismatic senses of originally Greek word, "muse". Concludes with a philosophical essay by Robert Leib and Lauren Guilmette on the purpose of and potential for "Photographing in Museums".
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
Southern Charms
Lauren Guilmette (2018)
A series of tryptichs and pentaptychs made in the summer of 2018, Southern Charms focuses on sites of magic in, and creates talismanic images of, the gothic American South.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
The Doctrine of Signatures
Robert Leib (2016/2018)
The Doctrine of Signatures, known by only a few from the earliest ages, is often associated with the teachings of Paracelsus, for it runs like a thread through his writings. In brief, it means that inner or invisible ever presses it character, or stamps its signatures, upon the outer or visible. The word 'signature' is derived from the Latin signare, which means to sign. The word 'doctrine' is derived from the Latin docere, to teach. The doctrine of signatures, therefore, is that which is taught concerning the marks placed upon all creatures and things by stellar influences. Just as the phrenologist can diagnose a man's character from the shape of his head, the identity of all things can be recognized by the mark placed, or signature impressed on them, by invisible things.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
The Lost Continent
Robert Leib with Lauren Guilmette (2018)
Plato's dialogue about Atlantis, the Critias, is here imaged by Robert Leib, a South Floridian photographer, employing street photography in combination with the collage work of Lauren Guilmette, a south Floridian visual artist.
"In 'Atlantis: The Lost Continent', I explore the mythological potential of photographs, which can be described more as a brand of the 'iconic' rather than documentary, illustrative, or merely representative. An ancient myth, which was of an ancient time even when Plato wrote it, is paired with images of the historical, commercial, and artistic aspects of the Atlantic coastal region in Florida ultimately to ask: WHEN is the time and space of myth? All photos taken in Florida, USA, 2016-18
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
Our Nation's Capital
Primary Season 2016
Robert Leib and Lauren Guilmette (2017)
Paired with a selection from Barack Obama's Final State of the Union, these photographs are a pre-'post-truth' document of the social landscape in Washington, D.C. between February 1-April 30, 2016.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
52nd & Lancaster
Robert Leib (2014)
This is my morning commute: down Baltimorre Avenue in West Philadelphia to 52nd Street, and then north until I reach Lancaster Avenue. I take Lancaster west, passing into Philadelphia's mainline suburbs at City Avenue. Sometimes, I am afraid I will stoppp noticing important details altogether.
52nd & Lancaster is a slit-scan photo documentation of my morning commute from West Philadelphia through its 'mainline' suburbs along Lancaster Avenue, a section of America's first trans-continental highway.
Full preview and Physical Edition available on Blurb
Digital download available from Kidset Store
Andres Zuniga (2014)
In this singular work, Zuniga (1983-2014) explores the subconscious life of late capitalism through an eerie narrative composed of highly condensed and sublimated scenes of frustration, fear, flirtation and epiphany, interspersed with similarly condensed dream journaling, poetry, and letters to friends from the period of Zoom's composition. The result is a work that folds in on itself hermetically, a re-imaged catechism of obscure, recurring subjectivities, apocalyptic visions, and cryptic pronouncements, despite its almost exclusive use of high gloss, everyday print materials and corporate slogans. This work was created over a period of months in 2010-2011. Zuniga is from Sparta, NJ.
Listed for sale at production cost.
All works © their authors 2014-2022